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When I discovered Dave Cole’s works online recently, I got so excited I dropped the chocolate cookie I was eating. Dave Cole is a contemporary sculpture artist who creates lots of his pieces by knitting unlikely materials into even more unlikely pieces of art.

He has knit a teddy bear out of lead:

And a bullet proof baby suit out of kevlar:

He knit a dress out of shredded dollar bills:

And a giant teddy bear out of fiberglass insulation:

As you can see, Dave Cole has taken something as familiar as knitting and blown it up into something larger than life. His works take knitting further than most could ever imagine. He bends limitations and he pushes his own agenda.

Dave Cole is an inspiration for us all to never stop dreaming and to follow even our strangest whims and desires.

It is with this in mind, that I would like to share with you the new direction I am hoping to take this website. I have a lot in the works, including on-line knitting classes, new patterns, a new look for the website, and more interesting/personal content for the blog. My gut is telling me to pursue teaching as one of the main focuses for this site and I’m going for it. Please excuse our dust during the remodel over the next couple months and if there is anything special you would like to see on BeLoved Knits, please let me know! I will continue to post new content on the blog throughout the transformation.

I am very excited to expand the site and to connect with more knitters (and future knitters)!

To find more information about Dave Cole, please visit his website.